What does rubella IgG positive means?

Left a message with my ob/gyn but because I haven't seen my doctor they won't explain the results to me.

My doctor explained that it was positive because I was immune to it but as long as I hadn't traveled I would be perfectly fine. Immune she meant by while young were given the vaccine and it had worn off but the fetus is at no harm due to everyone getting the shot at some young age.. I had gone online and terrified myself. My daughter will be 4mos old and she's a healthy baby girl. I hope my answer helps calm your nerves.

I'm so happy I'm in this group because my Rubella Igg came back positive and I googled rubella and pregnant women...and I scared myself to death. and I cried and cried and cried and wondered why my doc hasn't called me in for sime emergency treatment.Then I came to this site and saw that everybody was positive and that it was a good thing that Iam posistive LOL !! Now I can relax because Iwas seriously having a nervous breakdown !!

My test came out positive too! I just emailed my doctor.this is what he replied with."The rubella test is to make sure you have immunity to it (i.e. You got vaccinated when you were a baby for this). It doesn't mean that you have a current infection. So your rubella test was normal. All pregnant women should have immunity to rubella." Thank God

A positive IgG means you are immune - and that is a good thing! If you were NOT immune, you could get rubella if you are exposed to it during pregnancy. (And your doc would also recommend getting an MMR vaccine after this baby is born to protect any future pregnancies).

I'm a labor and delivery nurse from Florida. Rubella is an infection that everyone is vaccinated for when they receive the MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) shot as a child. Rubella is present in developing countries and it can cause serious birth defects. The CDC states that rubella has been eliminated from the US since 2004, however because of the threat from other countries, it is standard to make SURE every pregnant woman is immune (has antibodies) to this disease. If you are positive for Rubella IGG (the antibody) then rejoice! You pass the test and are immune to rubella! You don't have any kind of infection - but you do have antibodies that would fight this infection if you are ever exposed! If you are "nonimmune", don't worry either - you will get the vaccine after you deliver, you just need to make sure you don't expose yourself if you travel to other countries during your pregnancy.

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What is rubella IgG positive mean?